Friday, April 30, 2010

Real Food Vs. Fake Food

When it comes to seafood, I just can't get enough of shrimp. Shrimp is often used as an appetizer or party starter for gatherings, or can just be used as any ingredient to a good meal. I often use fake shrimp when I cook pasta for my family or friends because it's a unique topping with flavor. Real shrimp on the other hand just give foods the same spice, style and taste. Fake shrimp is the more cost effective choice, but that doesn't mean that real shrimp is not good because it is great.
Fake shrimp is cod and fish put together that is coated and flavored with real shrimp, then it is molded into looking like real shrimp. Fake shrimp often contains the same nutrients as regular shrimp, but is much more cost effective. The advantages to having fake shrimp over real shrimp besides the fact that you can get it cheap is that it often comes pre-cooked. This means that all you have to do is either boil it or bake it depending on your preference. In this economy buying real food is very expensive because of the lack of income or frugality that people are tying to maintain. Buying real food is just not plausible. Shrimp is a delicacy in someways because you don't really eat it everyday, but when you do want to you don't want to spend so much money which shows the advantage of fake shrimp. Though fake shrimp is combined with a lot of preservatives and fats it is not much more than that of regular shrimp.
Fake food to me is really not a problem due to the fact that I often just care about taste and price. If I can't rell the difference between real shrimp and fake then it's no problem to me. I want food that taste good at a good price and sure there might be some helth risk involved. Shrimp though in my opinion is not consumed on a daily basis where it would become a great problem to my health. With the money that I save I can put use towards other things that I enjoy in life.

I don't really agree with this article that states that fake food has become a leading problem in the obesity of young kids in America. I don't argue with the fact that it is part of the problem, but I feel there are more factors to it as there is with everything. Children these days lack the necessary exercise to maintain good health. With video games, movies, and other types of entertainment to keep children busy, they are often stuck at home. This takes away from precious time that they could be playing and exercising like in the old days when there weren't so many distractions before. z

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