Sunday, May 2, 2010

Peer Response.: Carrie Edmunds

In Carrie Edmund's blog about celebrity endorsement she talks about how Jennifer Aniston is a promoter and supporter of St. Judes Children Research hospital. I agree that with her that Jennifer is a good celebrity to promote the hospital because of her credibility and her image. One reason is that she's a women strong and independent, but shows the love of a mother. If this was a male celebrity I feel that the impact would not be as strong because the bond between women and children is one that can't be understood by men. Women at one point are one with children and after birth there is just a special attachment that they only understand. This would appeal to people because they can see the love and care from Jennifer in supporting the hospital. Jennifer is also not married, so in some people's eyes, they see that she has put the time and effort into the hospital and is really dedicated to it.
Jennifer Aniston has a good reputation without many scandals and troubles in the past that makes her credible. The cause of helping out children is also very good and heart-warming that makes the cause more effective. In my opinion when it comes to any celebrity and how successful they promote things, it all comes down to them as a person. If they have not been tarnished by the media and scandal and have a good personality then usually the product is successful. Your reputation follows you wherever you go and that is the key to maintain a good image.

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